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Why You Should Chose Eyelid Surgery To Look Younger

Why You Should Chose Eyelid Surgery To Look Younger

Aging sucks. It does. And it comes on almost overnight. We tend to scrutinize ourselves in the mirror, examining everything from pore size to sagging skin. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with our aging reflections. Panic sets in. We frantically search for the best creams, potions, and lotions. Ladies (and gents) slow down, calm down. Stop searching for miracles. Eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty, can take five to ten years off your appearance and is the first procedure to undergo around the age of 40.

Obvious aging is noticed first in sagging upper eyelid skin and lower lid bags. Even in our twenties and thirties, under-eye bags can be noticeable and many millennials are lining up for under eye injections to reduce dark circles and bags. The most effective (and safest) injectable product for the under eye is Restylane. Not all injectors are comfortable with treating the under-eye area, but in the hands of a skilled practitioner, this is a quick and highly effective treatment for early under-eye bags.


Under Eye Circle Treatment with Restylane Injections

About the age of 40, the upper eyelid skin is droopy with less upper lid visible. The skin thins as we age and elasticity is diminished. If you feel you look tired all the time, chances are your upper lids are the culprit. An interesting note: when our upper lids begin to sag, we subconsciously begin to raise our brow in an effort to lift the heavy lids. Not only is this an oh-so-temporary fix, but it can also actually speed the formation of horizontal forehead lines. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a process of excising a small segment of skin in the upper lid. The scar is hidden in the natural fold of the upper lid and the results are eye-opening.

Aging affects the lower lids in a similar way. Without sufficient elastin and collagen to provide resiliency, the skin thins, and sags, revealing the fat pads that cushion the eye below. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) of the past removed this important fat. The effect was a more skeletal, hollowed eye area. Nowadays, plastic surgeons understand the vital role fat plays in keeping us looking young facially and under-eye fat is now left intact. A lower blepharoplasty performed by Dr. Gilbert Lee at Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa involves a redistribution of fat rather than the removal of fat in the lower lids, along with lifting and tightening the lower lid skin.

Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

As these before and after photos of eyelid surgery show, treatment whether surgical or non-surgical, can restore a more youthful round-eyed appearance. The cost can range from a few hundred dollars for under eye injections to several thousand for blepharoplasty. The recovery is quick, usually, 7-10 days and the procedure can be performed under local sedation. The beauty of blepharoplasty is that once the eyes are rejuvenated, the overcast of age is lifted from the whole face.

Put down the creams, face your forties and check into blepharoplasty. You might just see a new, younger-looking you in the mirror.

For more information on blepharoplasty, non-surgical under eye treatments and more youth-restoring options, call Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa at 858-720-1440 or contact us through the form below.

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