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Manipulations- Cosmetic Surgery

Manipulations- Cosmetic Surgery

Move over ladies, it’s all about men in June, including the day of celebration we call Father’s Day. This well-deserved day of recognition for our paternal types seems to trigger a month-long focus on men in general. Invariably, men and plastic surgery will be trending, as it is for most years in June.

The media in all its forms, social and otherwise, will delve into the subject of men this month. From ABC News to the Cannes Film Festival, stories about who has and who hasn’t had “something done”, will be broadcast. The current fav subject for this topic seems to be Bruce Jenner. Once a sports hero gracing the outside of a Wheaties box, there’s more interest in his changing facial features than on his athletic accomplishments. Because of his increasingly ghoulish looks, bad plastic surgery seems to be to blame. Instead of looking younger and better; well, he just looks odd.

But wait, does this mean that I am not a fan of MANipulating one’s appearance? Absolutely not. Cosmetic surgery and anti-aging treatments are not just for women anymore, and I applaud the numbers of men that see cosmetic surgery as a real option. In fact, the number of cosmetic procedures for men has increased by more than 106% between 1997 and 2012 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Partly due to a younger workforce, more men are looking to cosmetic enhancement to compete with their co-workers. New therapies, non-surgical treatments, and simple surgical procedures allow men to sneak under the radar, do a little this or that, look younger almost immediately”¦and still distinguished.

A previous Changes Plastic Surgery blog post on the subject of facial aging outlined three distinct components; sun damage, facial fat loss, and sagging skin.  For the most part, these changes can be corrected with non-invasive, non-surgical methods that result in gradual improvements. To restore fullness to the face,  Sculptra (a volumizing agent) and dermal fillers, Artefill and Radiesse can be injected to hollows and deep wrinkles.  Sun damage and uneven pigmentation can be improved with Fraxel and Total FX laser treatments for a clearer (read more youthful) complexion.  Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can make a drastic difference in a man’s perceived age by opening the eyes and removing drooping skin. Liposuction can do what ab crunches cannot.

Looking younger and better is not just for women anymore. If our men wish to tweak the clock a little, more power to them. We women have been doing it for quite some time. However, because men do look more distinguished with age, going too far, too fast, being too aggressive with cosmetic procedures can sometimes backfire and result in the “what was he thinking” look. (Sorry Bruce.)
Men, take a tip from Dr. Gilbert Lee, who at 50+ could easily pass for 10 years younger. In your quest for anti-aging options, stop short of doing too much too soon.  Seek injectables for smoothing wrinkles and filling in sunken areas, laser treatments for a younger complexion, blepharoplasty for sagging upper lids and eye bags, and if diet and exercise aren’t enough, consider a little liposuction.  Conservative correction will leave you looking naturally younger, still distinguished, and best of all, still looking like You.

If you’re ready to man-up to some youth regaining tweaks, consider a consultation with Dr. Lee.  We’ll use 3D Computer Imaging to show you your prospective results before you actually commit.  Contact us below.

(About the blogger:  Jill is a Patient Coordinator and the Marketing Director at Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa… and a female.)

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