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EGGactly What Makes us Look Old?

EGGactly What Makes us Look Old?

3 Ways To Trim The Tummy

hen patients come to Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa for facial rejuvenation, they tend to complain first about their wrinkles, especially those around the mouth. A trained eye can see that many of these patients have been treated with filler injections around the mouth and into the naso-labial folds (folds from the nose down to the corner of the mouth). Granted, there’s an improvement in the appearance of the wrinkles, but does it make them look any younger?

A dead give away for a patient’s age is not the number of wrinkles they have, but rather the shape of their face. In fact, some individuals with good skin quality (and a lifetime of sun protection and good skincare), may actually not have many wrinkles, but their facial shape still shows the recession of the chin, the hollowing of the temples and eye sockets, and flattened cheeks – clear signs of aging. You can tell a young person from an old person just by the shape of the face.

Today, most women own a powerful magnifying mirror. (Even some fine hotel restrooms provide them!). These mirrors exaggerate everything. Fine wrinkles become deep wrinkles and small pores become craters which can drive a person crazy. These mirrors are not helpful, but rather detrimental since they force you to focus on the small details instead of addressing any bigger concept.

Most practitioners of non-surgical rejuvenation have been trained to treat wrinkles with filler injections. Unfortunately, they’ve not been trained as sculptors. At Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa, Dr. Lee focuses on the sculpting of a youthful face first and the treatment of wrinkles second. This yields a youthful face from across the room and up close.

Face Shape Changes Plastic Surgery

Our “eggamples” show a youthful face shape on the left. Egg Foo Young is fuller in the temples and has high broad cheek bones. The jowls are narrower as well.

Turning the egg upside down, Egg Foo Old on the right shows the shape of an aging face (with aging features as well); narrower temples, hooded lids, flattened cheekbones and heavy jowls. Placement of fillers below mid face on Egg Foo Old will only exaggerate the inverted egg shape.

The sunny side of these eggamples shows clearly that when it comes to facial rejuvenation, restoration of facial shape versus correction of wrinkles should be your first priority.

Interested in non-surgical rejuvenation that really makes a difference? Be a good egg and contact us below.

Copyright 2014 Jill Darrah for Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa.

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