HomeBody Plastic SurgeryVaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty & More

During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause hypertrophy or swelling of the labia majora (vulva) and labia minora. The repeated swelling and stretching of these structures with multiple pregnancies may cause significant permanent enlargement of the labia minora. The large hanging labia may pose both a visual annoyance to a woman as well as a functional nuisance. Such symptoms might include a dislike of the size and appearance of one’s labia, asymmetry of the labia, awkwardness during sexual intercourse, trouble urinating (having to separate labia during urination), recurrent yeast infections in the skin folds from moisture retention, and pain during intercourse or exercise.

Other changes following childbirth include a loosening of the vaginal canal caused by the stretching of the muscles and lining of the vagina and loosening of the muscles of the pelvis. These structures are most affected during the actual birth process, and never fully recover to their native state. This loosening may lead to a lesser degree of sexual pleasure or satisfaction for both the woman and her partner.

Weight gain and the redistribution of body fat over time can also cause a problem for both men and women in the form of enlargement of the mons pubis. The effect of this enlargement is a “hooding” of the genitals, especially in the standing position. For men, this can cause the penis to appear considerably shorter by 2 or more inches. For women, it can cause the appearance of a masculine bulge when wearing tight-fitting clothing such as swimsuits or exercise pants.

During your consultation, your surgeon will advise you on which type of Vaginal Rejuvenation is most appropriate for you. The three most popular types of Genital Rejuvenation are Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty and Mons Pubis Reduction.

Common Vaginal Procedures

Labiaplasty is a procedure that reduces or reshapes the labia minora (inner lips) and or labia majora (outer lips) to make them either smaller or symmetrical. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in the office. After the one hour procedure, you can go home and recuperate. The recovery is quick and usually associated with only mild discomfort. Antibiotics and medications are prescribed to keep you comfortable and problem-free. Sexual relation may usually be resumed in 2 to 3 weeks.

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens the vagina. This procedure can be performed under a general or local anesthetic. Redundant vaginal tissue is removed, the muscles of the vaginal canal are tightened, and the vagina is made smaller (narrower). The procedure takes approximately one hour to perform. The recovery is quick and easy. Mild soreness is experienced. Sexual relations may be resumed in about 4 weeks.

Mons Pubis Reduction is a surgical procedure that removes the redundant fatty and connective tissues from the mons pubis. This can be accomplished through liposuction or direct excision. The procedure may be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s personal preference and circumstances. The procedure lasts about an hour. Recovery is associated with some swelling of the genitals and some mild to moderate discomfort. Sexual relations may be resumed in 1 to 2 weeks.

Other Vaginal Procedures:

Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure that repairs the hymen by suturing the remains of the ruptured hymen from the previous sexual experience, or strenuous athletic activity The procedure can also heighten sexual satisfaction because of the vaginal walls are tightened.

Reducing the length and protrusion of the clitoral hood and clitoris is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the clitoris.

Potential Risk

Vaginal rejuvenation is safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Michael Rossi. The procedures are performed in a state-licensed and Medicare-certified surgical center, under the supervision of our skilled, board-certified anesthesiologists. These credentials help ensure the highest standards of care and your utmost safety.

Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there are risks associated with the procedure or anesthesia. While uncommon, bleeding, infection, delayed wound healing and an unsatisfactory result may occur. Swelling, bruising and mild to moderate discomfort is commonly expected. You can reduce your risks by closely following your physician’s advice both before and after surgery.


It is very important to follow up with your surgeon to make sure your recovery is going smoothly. Usually, patients go back to daily routines in about one to two days. Soreness will be present for 2 to 4 weeks. Depending on the procedure and how well you recover, you may resume sexual intercourse, tampons and douching about 2 to 6 weeks after the procedure. Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions for resuming your normal activities.

Read more in our blog posts: The Feminine Mystique and Why Women Choose Vaginal Rejuvenation


Plastic Surgery