HomeBlogBlogFat comes in two varieties. Believe it or not, a skinny person can have fat you just can’t see.

Fat comes in two varieties. Believe it or not, a skinny person can have fat you just can’t see.

Fat comes in two varieties. Believe it or not, a skinny person can have fat you just can’t see

Fat is fat and that is that. The model on the right is fat. We can see it. The model on the left obviously has no fat.  Right?  Wrong. The real skinny is that there are two types of fat, one you can see and one you can’t.

Subcutaneous  (or superficial) fat is located just beneath the skin and can accumulate in unwanted areas like the hips, flanks and thighs.  The dreaded “saddlebags” are an example of this type of superficial fat.  Layered just under the skin, subcutaneous fat is responsible for dimpling and cellulite.  Although not a cellulite treatment, liposuction is often used to remove fat in these areas when diet and exercise fail.  Subcutaneous fat provides insulation for the body and cushion for the joints and is often measured with body fat calipers.
Visceral fat, on the other hand, is located deep within the abdominal cavity and surrounds vital organs such as the heart, the lungs, and the liver.  It’s the type of fat that is linked to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke.  Visceral fat is harder to see, although a protruding belly is a good sign.  And believe it or not, even thin people can have too much internal fat for their body type and fall victim to these types of diseases.  You just wouldn’t know it by looking at them.

The skinny on fat is that everyone has it, displayed on the outside or hidden on the inside.  Visceral or subcutaneous, fat cannot be measured with our eyes alone. Take the case of sumo wrestlers.  By sheer size, most would judge them to be chuck full of visceral padding and related health issues. Wrong.  MRI studies show them to have very little internal fat- just a whole lot of the subcutaneous type.

Take a look again at the women in the photo. It’s not so obvious who is fat, and that is that on two types of fat.
For more information on liposuction, please visit  cps.hyperlink-dashboard.com  or call Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa at 858-720-1440.

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