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Nick Nixon Hair Journal

Nick Nixon Hair Journal


Hello guys,

We reached the 6 month milestone on November 6, 2019. And it is good news overall.
While I don’t have the full head of hair that I had in my 30’s, my hair is much more thick and full looking. The most growth has occurred in the center of my head and at the temples. The crown has “shrunk” a bit, but still pretty thin. The crown has more hair in the middle that makes it look like a “D” on the right side and a backwards “D” on the left side of the crown.
A strange thing that Kathy and I noticed is that my hair looks great when you look at it; but when you take close-up photos, the photos look thin (hmmmm?).
In summary, the front and middle look great. Much more full, even my hairdresser notices. The crown is still a bit sparse, but a smaller circle.

Bottom line is that I’m happy and hoping that more hair will grow. I am back on the Minoxidil at least once a day too.
Stay well…


Hi guys,

We have passed the 3 month milestone since the procedure on May 6, 2019. I think that my condition has pretty much stabilized since the initial “eruptions” that we noticed. There are definitely some fine hairs growing, but I think the most noticeable change is an overall appearance of more fullness. A few of my friends and my hairdresser have noticed the fullness; and a very close inspection was done by a physician friend after he noticed how full my hair looked to him. He would like to have the procedure if mine is successful.

I’m hopeful that the coming few months will produce more hair and reduce the areas of thinness at the crown and receding areas of my head.

We’ll be traveling in Europe through mid-October, but I’ll keep you posted.

With every good wish…


Hi guys,

Here’s the latest after 7 weeks:

  • I think things are pretty much stabilized and we’re just waiting for some serious growth. Still have the “nubbys” with minimal growth of some fine hairs. My scalp is a little bit tender anytime I comb or brush my hair. The itching is minor and intermittent, with the most itching at night when I lay my head down. No signs of any hair loss. When applying the Minoxidil, I feel a bit of a burn that dissipates after about 10 minutes. I never had any Minoxidil  discomfort previously. My hair looks and feels fuller all over my head, and the “glow” from the crown of my head doesn’t shine so much. So it’s all good and I’m happy.

Talk soon and I’ll keep you posted…


Hi guys,

Here’s the latest progress report:

  • Got a haircut last week on June 6th. This is making it easier to see my scalp. One thing that I am noticing is that the existing hair seems thicker and more full. My hairdresser agrees and noticed some “eruptions”. I also noticed that the hair at the back of my head has become a bit “unruly”, sticking up and not wanting to lie flat. I’m hopeful that this is from “crowding” the existing hair follicles with new growth. I started using the Minoxidil again this week. I use it only at night before bed rather than the twice daily recommended dosage. I don’t like the way my hair looks with it on during the day. Had a bit of itching on my scalp after the Minoxidil application, but no big deal. Overall, the itching is very minor and intermittent throughout the day. I’m trying to minimize chemicals on my head by shampooing on alternate days and not using any gels or hairspray.

Talk soon, and thanks for everything…

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