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5 Ways to Handle Man Hands

5 Ways to Handle Man Hands


Man Hands
n an effort to defy aging and enhance your feminine beauty, you get facials, you color your hair, you have even begun a personal relationship with Botox. Many people tell you you look young for your age. Bravo! But careful before you raise your hands in applause dare your man hands to betray your facial femininity.

Nice, soft, delicate lady hands are the envy of women who sport some pretty masculine looking mitts. It is not only distressing for the bearer of the paws, but it can be a tick down for a man looking to put a ring on a dainty damsel. Think Seinfeld.

Although man hands cannot be corrected surgically, there are a few tricks to tame their appearance.

  1.  Sculptra Aesthetic is injectable poly-L-lactic acid. Injections over time progressively replace lost collagen to plump the backs of the hands, reducing the appearance of manly, bulging veins. Fat grafting works nicely as well and is more immediate in improvement.
  2. IPL (Intense Pulse Light) or Fraxel laser systems can treat the back of the hands to eliminate some and lighten other darkened patches of sun damage.   Smoothing the texture and lightening the skin will help feminize man hands.
  3. Should the man hands include a fine layer of hair either on the dorsum or knuckles, consider laser hair removal to shed some of the manly appearance.
  4. Deep moisturization at night with a heavy hand cream will leave hands smoother, softer and more feminine by morning.   For deeper absorption of the cream, try wearing cotton gloves overnight.
  5.  A manicure (funny term – shouldn’t it be womanicure?) is recommended if you have man hands.   Nothing accentuates man hands more than short, chipped, dirty nails.   Ask for something simple in the way of shape and stay away from attention getting colors.

Finally, man hands are not the end of the world or a reason for a man to reject an otherwise gender apparent woman. Self-confidence is the best antidote for masculine appearing hands and should be listed as No. 6 above. So, if someone refers to your hands as man hands, handle it this way. Raise one gingerly to your lips and blow them a kiss.

Interested in hand rejuvenation? Call Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa at 858-720-1440 for more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gilbert Lee (who incidently is a board-certified hand surgeon).

Copyright 2014 Jill Darrah for Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa.

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